About me :)

My name is Breno Pereira, I'm a Brazilian software developer currently working on Vodafone UK. I've worked with a lot of different technologies, but I'm currently focused on React, React Native, NodeJS and Typescript.

I believe that to change society for the better, we need to invest politically in technology and education.Enthusiastic about technology, I love learning new technologies and new challenges. Since the age of 15 studying programming, and going through vocational, and technical courses.

At 16 years old, I sold my first software to serve a store, and I completed several other software sales taking care of everything from sales to development and customer support.

I had some opportunities to work with Node.js in these last 5 years and I'm excited to see how Rust will change the way we develop APIs. I'm also really excited about the future of WebAssembly and how this can change the way we develop web applications - especially web3.

On the side, I enjoy exploring and making coffee - Always up for a chat ☕️